Here are some of the basic command that are always needed to start an HTML coding.
I want to tell you that html coding can be done on notepad or any writing software you have. HTML is not case sensitive which means you can use both uppercase or lowercase.
Always when you will start coding you need to open tag of <html>.
- Start coding by <html> or <HTML> anything can be used as i said HTML is not case sensitive.
- After <html> type <body> or <BODY> .
- To start a paragraph type <p> or <P>.
- For heading type <head>.
- For Font size you can type <H1> to <H6> and if you will type more than <H6> it will take it as <H6> only .
- For alignment of your text type <center> and end it by </center>
<head> <h1> <center> TEST</center> </h1>
<h3> Here is a <i> Test Website </i> <font size="5" face="Monotype Corsiva" color="RED"> science. </font> </h3>
A Test Wesite
NOTE : When you start coding on HTML you need to start it and always end it for
Eg :-
we start by
Which means you need to end it like
NOTE : The way you will open the tags the same way you will close it also.
HTML is very simple if you understand the commands ones this example is a very basic website.
I will give you more knowledge on HTML but on another post so wait for that and practice on this.
-by Saharsh
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