Thursday 11 August 2011



A very cool program made from C++ with password and username protection. In it there are many type of things like Quiz , Logical Questions , Astronomical Questions and many more. If You Like It then comment and share Knowledge with us in our discussion area .


int main (void){
 cout<<"\n    *             *  *****  *        ***   ***   *    *  *****";
 cout<<"\n     *           *   *          *        *      *    *  * * *  *";
 cout<<"\n      *   *    *    ****    *        *      *    *  * * *  ****";
 cout<<"\n       * * * *     *          *        *      *    *  *   *   *";
 cout<<"\n        *   *        *****  ****  ***   ***   *   *   *****";

 cout<<"\n\t              *   *  ***   *      *";
 cout<<"\n\t               * *  *    *  *      *";
 cout<<"\n\t                *    *    *  *      *";
 cout<<"\n\t               *     *    *  *      *";
 cout<<"\n\t              *       ***   *****";
 char user[20], pass[20];
 cout<<"\n Enter The USERNAME : ";
 cout<<"\n Enter The Password : ";
 if((strcmp(user, "saharsh")==0)&&(strcmp(pass, "fixproblem")==0)||(strcmp(user,"saharsh")==0)&&(strcmp(pass,"gupta")==0))
 cout<<"\n\n Welcome To The Programme "<<endl;
 cout<<"\n\n You Cheater Go Away \t\n\n ";
 system ("PAUSE");
 return 0;
 char b[50],c[50];
 cout<<"\n\n Enter Your First Name ";
 cout<<"\n\n Enter Your Last Name  ";
 cout<<"\n\n Welcome ";
 cout<<b<<" ";
 long float a,ad,aa,ac,table;
 cout<<"\n\n Enter A Number To Get Its Table = ";
 cout<<"\n\n Till Which Number = ";


    cout<<endl<<"  "<<table;
 long float s;
 cout<<"\n\n Enter A Number To Get It's Square = ";
 cout<<"\n\n The Square Of The Number You Entered Is = "<<s*s;
 float ab,r;
 cout<<"\n\n Enter A Number To Get It's Square Root - ";
 cout<<"\n\n The Square Root Of The Number You Entered Is = "<<r;
 int four,ba,bb,bc,bd;
 cout<<"\n\n Enter A 4 Digit Number - ";
 cout<<"\n\n The Reversed Number Is = "<<bd<<bc<<bb<<ba;
 long float original,power;
 cout<<"\n\n Now You Are In Exponents And Powers Section ";
 cout<<"\n\n Enter A Number = ";
 cout<<"\n\n Now Till Which Power Do You Want It = ";
 cout<<"\n\n  "<<power;
 char d;
 cout<<"\n\n Now I Will Test YourKnowledge ";
 cout<<"\n\n Here Is A Good Quiz ";
 cout<<"\n\n Which Of The Following Is A Programming Language ?";
 cout<<"\n\n 1) C++ \n\n 2) FLASH \n\n 3) PHOTOSHOP \n\n 4) SONY VEGAS ";
 cout<<"\n\n Your Option Is = ";
 if (d=='1')
 cout<<"\n\n You Got It  \n";
 cout<<"\n\n Sorry, Please Try Again Later \t\n\n ";
 system ("PAUSE");
 return 0;
 char e;
 cout<<"\n\n Got It Right So Now Answer This ";
 cout<<"\n\n Which Of The Following Is Not A Planet ";
 cout<<"\n\n 1)cerium \n\n 2)Jupiter \n\n 3)Saturn \n\n 4)Plutonium";
 cout<<"\n\n Your Option Is = ";
 if (e=='4')
 cout<<"\n\n You Are Brilliant  "<<endl;
 cout<<"\n\n You Lost \t\n\n  "<<endl;
 system ("PAUSE");
 return 0;
 char f;
 cout<<"\n\n You Are Just Brilliant ";
 cout<<"\n\n Now Tell This ";
 cout<<"\n\n When Will Windows 8 Launch ";
 cout<<"\n\n 1)2013 \n\n 2)2012 \n\n 3)2014 \n\n 4)2011 ";
 cout<<"\n\n Your Option Is = ";
 cout<<"\n\n You Are Right "<<endl;
 cout<<"\n\n Oh No You lost The Game\t\n\n  "<<endl;
 system ("PAUSE");
 return 0;
 char g[50];
 cout<<"\n\n Check This Out ";
 cout<<"\n\n Solve This Puzzle ";
 cout<<"\n\n Use Any Of The Four Operations (+,-,*,/) And Solve This";
 cout<<"\n\n 1,3,4,6";
 cout<<"\n\n Make 24 Out Of This\n\n";
 if((strcmp(g, "6/(1-3/4)")==0))
  cout<<"\n\n You Are Brilliant "<<b<<" "<<c;
  cout<<"\n\n I Knew That You Can't Do This "<<b<<" "<<c;
  cout<<"\n\n Bye Byeee You Duffer ";
 cout<<"\n\n You Won The Quiz ";
 cout<<"\n\n For Your Prize Of Rupees 1 Crore ";
 cout<<"\n\n Please Contact : ";
 cout<<"\n\n\t\t Mr.Bill Gates";
 cout<<"\n\n\t\t Mobile No. ********** ";
 cout<<"\n\n\n  Just Wait For New Questions To Be Added........ ";
 cout<<"\n\n Thanks For Using This "<<b<<" "<<c;
 cout<<"\n\n Made By Saharsh Gupta ";
 cout<<"\n\n See You Soon "<<b<<" "<<c;
 return 0;
-by Saharsh


  1. nice one man really i m telling it world is need a developer like u who is very school going kid and write such a nice programm :) :)


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