Sunday 21 August 2011



RELEASE DATE: 9th September, 2011

Hello everyone, This is Siddharth from Share Knowledge and in this post I am gonna tell you about the new game up-coming this year, Resistance 3. Firstly, I would like to say sorry to kids because they cannot play this game too, the game rating  is announced now and is 18 and above.

Resistance 3, the game is changed a lot from the previous versions. You're no longer a soldier fighting in a squad and taking on the Chimera. Instead, you're just a guy minding his own business, trying to stay under the radar, who is thrust into this fight. It feels more like a personal journey. Campaign mode, newer weapons and a wide range of enemies returns this time, plus the weapon wheel from the first game returns, so you are no longer restricted to two weapons. Resistance 3 is looking a quite good game from the information that we have got and it might be the best game in the series.
Below is the trailer of Resistance 3 by Movie Maniacs:

-by Siddharth

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