Saturday 8 October 2011


STEVE JOBS(1955-2011)
There are three apples which changed the world Adam's, Newton's, Steve Job's.

An American who change the meaning of technology and innovation. He is an Enigma who's invention changed the world. As all Know He was working for a company Apple lnc. He was Employed there as a CEO(Chief Executive Officer). He became a member of the board of directors of the Walt Disney Company in 2006, following the acquisition of Pixar by Disney. In  1976 he along with other co founders of the company Steve Wozniak Started the company Apple Inc. Then in 1984 Macintosh was designed by him and other founders. In Sept 16, 1985 Steve leaved Apple due to two year power struggle with John Sculley. In 1987 to 1993 Macintosh II was reveled, dumping the one box design and Apple expanded it's profile in the organisation. Jobs Return Apple as a CEO on Dec 20,1966. Apple unveils iMac  on May 6,1998. On July 2,1999 iBook, Apple Laptops was introduced to he public.Oct 23,2001 Apple unveils iPod a gadget which changed every common life. on July 31,2004 Jobs undergoes Surgery for pancreatic cancer. On January 9,2007 Apple launched iPhone. in the year 2009 Jobs undergoes Liver Transplant.On Jan 27,2010 Jobs Unveils iPad I. On March 2011 Jobs released iPad2. On August 24,2011 Steve Step down as CEO.And at last at the age of 56 he left his journey from the world of Apples. He died on Oct 5,2011. Click On Read More to View some of its Gadgets Pictures.

Steve Paul Jobs.

An Apple Macintosh.

Apple Macintosh II or Apple II

Apple iMac.

Apple iBook.

An Apple iPod.

An Apple iPad I views from different positions 

An Apple iPad II.

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